Thursday, July 19, 2007

Aaa Paa Paa

Aryan has Mumma and Papa days.So for one week he would be a Mumma's boy and for another Papa's.

These days its papa's turn. Yesterday was heights. He refused to come to me for eating and sleeping too. He ate , sitting in his father's lap. While one bed , Anupam went out of the room to fetch some water and got stuck , talking to his parents.So, Aryan forgot to sleep and calls his papa like "Aaaa Paa paa Aaaa paa paaa", till papa was back.


~nm said...

SO very adorable! Papa must be in the 7th heaven hearing betu calling him! :D

Asha said...

hmm.. already balancing the family well at this age! :)

utbtkids said...

How do you feel about it? Do you think it is a nice break for you or otherwise? Personally I complain tha my girls are struck to me, but I would die of the green monster if my kids are more attached to my husband.

Swati said...

nm : Papa has mixed emotions :) Sometimes he will be in 7th heaven and sometimes he will be like ufff yaar ..gimme a break.

Asha :D

utbt : I thinkl i am ok with it as long as he is equally attached to both of us. I enjoy the break and also the attention.